RMA is a second-generation family-run company. First-class products and highly qualified employees contribute decisively to the success of our customers. RMA products are successfully used worldwide. In German-speaking countries, RMA is the market leader. RMA will continue to set standards in innovation, quality, and efficiency of products. Our goal is and remains the development of complete solutions for our customers with our products and flexibility. To reach these goals, RMA has partnered with Eximp Measurement Private Limited (EMPL) for the Indian market with new sales offices, expanded local production sites in the future, and develop new products targeting the Indian Hydrocarbon Industry. We, as EMPL, support RMA’s patent products, such as High-Pressure Calibration Facility, Ultrasonic Flowmeter, and Quick Opening End Closure & Ball Valve HKSF, to provide excellent functionality in process operation.

We have a state-of-the-art High-Pressure Test Facility for gas measuring devices. This High-Pressure Test Facility serves to adjust and calibrate or verify gas meters with natural gas. A closed-loop system is independent of gas consumption and weather. All pressure ranges and all flow rates of the measuring range are fully adjustable. The High-Pressure Test Facility is providing constant gas quality. It available with two parallel meter runs of more than 12m each and all flange sizes from PN 10 up to ANSI 600. The rotary displacement meters, ultrasonic and vortex flowmeters, and turbine meters can be measured and verified with a High-Pressure Test Facility.

The ultrasonic meters of the ECOSONIC X12 product series are highly precise and robust measuring instruments for the flow measurement of gases. The ECOSONIC X12 has been optimized for metering the volume in the natural gas pipelines of energy providers. The ECOSONIC X12 is a flexible metering unit for use in industry, for transport, as well as the distribution and storage of natural gas. The ECOSONIC X12 series comprises nominal diameters from DN 80 (3”) to DN 600 (24”) and a pressure range of from PN10 up to ANSI600 (100bar).