Increase your measurement certainty, control and reduce measurement error
Eximp Measurement Private Limited (EMPL), in partnership with C-SMART, offers tools and insights for continuously analyzing the health of your metrology infrastructure by reducing errors, risk, and gas loss, including improvement of business results. This technology detects and quantifies measurement errors, reduces risk, and minimizes loss and unaccounted-for gas (LAUF).
Helps you operate more efficiently by:
– Storing all your data in a single database
C-SMART stores your data in a single database, as when data is trapped in silos, analyzing and acting upon it becomes much more difficult, if not impossible.
-Providing the big picture
C-SMART Analytics integrates data from multiple tools, vendors, and software systems, which help speed the identification and resolution of problems.
-Continuously monitoring
Rather than an occasional snapshot of measurement conditions, C-SMART Analytics™ provides 24/7monitoring and automated analysis.
-Augmenting technical knowledge
C-SMART Analytics normalizes the data across devices and brands, allowing your technicians to understand what they see and confidently address issues.
-Leveraging your investment
Leveraging your investment in C-SMART’s smart metering technology improves the way you manage your organization’s measurement risk – without creating more work for your team.
Key Features:
Provides automated intelligence that identifies issues, estimates errors, and provides recommendations by:
– Connecting to your existing Measurement and SCADA Databases
– Storing all your system balance data and flow data, including pressures, temperatures, and gas composition, into one designed for system balance analysis
– Creating advanced, relational data exploitation tools, allowing station and meter flow data analysis in relation to system balances and/or any possible groups of data
– Providing a powerful, quick, and intuitive web interface for analysis
Application Areas:
It can be used in the following industrial sectors:
Power Plants | Refineries | Large Industrial Facilities | Pipeline Industries
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Design Made by Eximp Measurement Private Limited