Parametric offers a wide range of flow measurement instruments from in-line, wetted, and clamp-on to portable and insertion flow meter solutions to optimize efficiency and profit maximization and remain in regulatory compliance. In a direct way, flow meters measure the flow rate, or quantity, of liquids, gases, and steam. These Flow Meters are designed to give you an accurate, reliable figure you can trust.
1. Liquid Flow Metes

The PanaMV vortex meter of Panametrics offers a multivariable design that contains shedding velocity with RTD temperature sensors and a solid-state pressure transducer for measuring the mass flow rate of steam, gases, and liquid.

2. Gas Flow Meters

applications but can be fitted with a Zone 1 enclosure when required. Setup is simple through its large display and intuitive interface. The Digital Flow GF868 works with all Panametrics gas transducers and is backward compatible with all older model Panametrics meters, including the original 7100 and its digital replacement, the 7168.